YEAH! I DID IT! I had serious doubts having spent the majority of the month in the hospital hooked up toe iv’s and wires and without paper, pen, or computer! I also have a lot on my platter with Hubby getting a new job and having to apartment hunt out of state (back home in Ohio), and having to pack the house while dealing with a new diagnosis and not being able to get a doctor in order to get the medications that I need to take now. But, somehow, a few words here, a paragraph there, I did it! YEAH!

Most of the work was on the “What’s Love Got to Do With it? A treatise on war”, but a few thousand words were added to a novel that I had started at the end of Nano last year.

So, what does love have to do with war…. everything and nothing at once. Just go back to your bible and history and look at how often we record war and its aftermath. Look at how many times love enters into the picture to save mankind from it’s own idiocy. It’s been an interesting journey this past month as I fought my own “personal war” with health, sought out the love within my soul to care about other patients and their families whom I prayed deeply for every day.

And, I had the immeasurable joy of seeing a little babe, just a few days old! Fresh and full of love, sleeping in that blessed bliss of innocence while cradled in loving arms. With all the wickedness of the experience at the hospital, I would not have traded those few moments to feel the joy of a new life. May God truly bless that family beyond measure… especially for the hidden blessing that their journey instilled upon my soul at a time when I felt so very low and discouraged! AMEN!

I shall now resume my normal schedule, crazy life and all! 🙂 Have a great week! And, if you’re still working on your NANO… DON’T GIVE UP! Look at what you’ve accomplished so far! Goals are just things to aim for… the real winner is the one who gives it their best, doesn’t quit, and doesn’t give up until the last word is written!

Nano: I’m sooo behind.

I’m sooooooo very far behind. 8 days in hospital without paper, pen, or laptop will do that. Finally got paper about day 4, but I was soo sick and tired and pained that I just couldn’t write much. Hard to do with iv’s sticking in your wrists. Sigh….

That said, after they moved my iv to another location, I could at least hold a pen and write a little. I worked a bit on my treatise, explored the life of Job in regards to the “personal wars” we all face. Seemed fitting as I battled for life. I managed about 8-9 hand printed pages. Let’s see, at approximately 500 words a page…well, you do the math, my brain is still a little foggy from all the meds.

Folks, if you get an ear infection… pleeeeaaaaseee, get it looked at quickly. Don’t delay it. Go to ER if you have to, which I did. Docs said infect had traveled down into the mastoid bone and was dangerously close to taking a direct route into my brain. That’s some bad-ass shit. Sorry, but those are the words that fit most.

I also learned in the ER that I am now an insulin dependent Diabetic, and I have high blood pressure. This week has been hell on so many fronts with the hospital itself triggering flashbacks so bad…. worse I’ve had in over a decade. And with no sleep, no rest, and two days where my room had no water and no heat… is it any wonder my BP was up.

I’m home now, my bp is almost back to norm. My sugar is still high. Trying to find a doc with a sliding scale price for those who have no insurance is a huge bitch! In the meantime, regulating diet, increasing exercise (another thing I couldn’t get at hospital because everytime I got out of bed the nurses freaked). Today, I feel a little tired and weak. But, still, I got out and walked a good 20-30 minutes while at grocery. It’s a cold, wet, yucky day here with rain showers every few minutes, so indoor walking was a must. Tonight I’m gonna hop on the old stationary bike and ride a mile or two.

Pray that I can find a doc in the next day or so, or find a balance of exercise and diet control so I won’t need a doc.

Will be back with updates as I can. I may not make goal this year, but I’ll give it my best attempt.

Nano – Week 1

Current wc: 1648.

It’s been a good week. 4 days in and I’m still just floarting along happily. Tired, for sure. Writing non-fiction as I’m doing this year is brain draining. There are footnotes and endnotes to contend with as well (not part of the word count). I’ve even opened a second document just for laughs and am writing a little fiction on the side hustle. The fiction isn’t fit for reading at the moment, just a little brainstorming session to add a little relaxation to the game.

Here’s an example of just one of the questions I’m tackling this year…

Let us assume…

  1. God is perfect.

Therefore, with that as a fact. Let us ask…

If God is perfect and he created mankind in his image, then should we not also be perfect beings?

Therefore: If we are perfect beings then why do we commit evil which is by its very nature imperfect.

Ahhhh, such are the mad ravings of a ponderer in the midst of Nano…

So, what does war have to do with Love??? Maybe by the end of the month, I’ll figure it out… or, at least have entertained myself with the exploration!

From the Heart…

I rather love this picture, Dale Rogerson. Rochelle, your painting just ROCKS!

It’s that time again! Time to gather around the table and share some juicy tidbits of fiction with the folks of Friday Fictioneers, hosted by the lovely and talented Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. You can find other small tales of wonder, and danger at: Come on out and join us! This week’s photo is loaned to us by : Liz Young

wc: ???

This is not your typical Fri Fic.

This picture reminded me of the doors that open in our lives… and one of those doors for me was Friday Fictioneers. I started in College (between 1998-2001). At the time I was in school to re-learn how to read, write, and all those other things my brain injury stole from me. I remember my English prof, Mr. David Grant, making a deal with me that if I attempted Fri Fic once a week I didn’t have to write the journal for class. At the time, even 100 words was daunting, let alone the two page requirement for the journal. So, of course, I accepted his deal.

And so the door to the realms of Fri fic opened for me. At first, I was terrified. I could barely compose a sentence… and “they” wanted 100 words! I think my first entry was one sentence with less than 10 words… but, those were hard earned words. As the weeks progressed, I added more sentences.

I still remember the first full paragraph. I was so excited that I printed it twice. I turned in the first copy, later returned to me with a 100% grade and written across the bottom of the page was “You CAN do this” with the “CAN” underlined several times. I framed it and it hung above my desk until we had the fire. I was so very proud.

Writing wasn’t the only door to open, though. I found people… ALL of YOU! That was the best part. I’d never been told that I did well at anything before. I’d rarely, if ever, spoke to anyone that I didn’t have to. (and speech was just as hard as writing, something else I had to relearn…this time, in English).

Yes, those first entry were atrocious. I didn’t know what grammar was. I couldn’t tell the difference between an noun and an adjective… but I learned through y’all. I gained confidence in my abilities, and a decrease in the fear to try new things… like walking, climbing stairs, making a pot of coffee.

So, I just wanted to take this week to say “THANK YOU!”. The words hardly convey the depth of care I have for each of you. You’ve been in my prayers every day, sometimes several times a day when I know You aren’t well, or are hurting. I am so thankful to be here, to be able to write… to share this little bit of me with you. THANK YOU! Again, and as always…. May God bless and keep you in His care- Bear.

Nano- 5 hour countdown.

This photo was shared with me by a fellow artist, I really wish I could remember her name to give proper credit. But the gift was and is appreciated.

5 hours and counting down to the start of Nano. Why only 5 hours…well, I work Nano on GMT time because no way in the world will I be able to be awake at midnight. I’m old. Too old for all nighters when I have to be up before dawn to drive Hubby to work. So, GMT, it is… that would be 7pm EST.

Am I ready? Hmmm, good question. I have my mascot, my snacks, a new keyboard and a dysfunctional mouse (that I intend to replace before 7pm). I’ll be working on a computer with no internet access (fewer distractions) with only limited software (ie: word processor and mahjong game.).

As far as the writing, yeah, I’m ready. I’ve written myself a little teaser to keep me on task as far as plot goes. Is there really a plot to non-fiction??? Anyway, I have a general idea of what path I want to take with this story. I’ve haunted for images that inspire me in regards to the topic. Of course, I have my sketchbook handy,just in case the mood shifts.

All I’m waiting for is for the clock to strike the hour…

Happy Halloween, and happy Nano time, y’all.

Nano- officially entered

It’s official! I’ve thrown my bone into the pot of Nano stew!

I’ve begun prepping, doing a few stream of consciousness word sprints. Averaging about 500-600 words in 10 min. That’s a good rate. Right now, it’s just babble and nothing worthy of anything. The point was just to get my fingers and brain limbered up for the grand event.

Otherwise, I have a working title, and a quote to keep me motivated. THis piece is written as non-fiction, and in first person (not usually my cup of joe, but it’s working so far).

My Title: “What’s Love Got To Do With It? A Treatise on War.”

My quote for the month: A bit of what I’m sure is mangled scene From M*A*S*H 4077th. No insult to original writers intended.

“War is War, and hell is hell; and of the two, war is worse.” Hawkeye Pierce quips over a surgical patient.

“How so, Hawkeye?” Father Mulchouy asks.

“Simple, Father. Who goes to hell?”

“Why, sinners, of course.”

“Exactly.” Pierce answers.

Not so sure I can come up with all 50K of words for this line of story, but that’s okay. It’s more important that I’m actually writing again after a many months worth of down time. So, my notebook is closed until the 1st. My snack hoard is growing. My mascot… a pink Montster High dracula doll is staring at me beside the monitor… I’m ready to hit the ground with ink and paper to fly!

To Nano, or not…

The storm of Nano (National Novel Writing Month) is soon to be upon us. In less than ten days, writers across the world will pick up their pens, or keyboards, or voice activated mechanics and begin the task of laying down 5ok of words in 30 days. It is a daunting task for any writer, young or old,, experienced or novice.

So, here I am, eight days out with absolutely nothing to write. No characters painstakingly developed, no plots generally laid out… nothing. As in, nada! This is very unusual for me. Usually by the end of September, I’ve already started to create mental images of the characters I want to have in the story. I’ve got a general layout of the opening scene I want to create… the hook that pulls in the fish (aka reader), and maybe a paragraph or two to tease myself into writing the story. This year, I have nothing, nada, non-existent.

That leaves me begging the question: Do I want to do NANO this year??? Should I do NANO this year??? I’ve done NANO every year since I first learned of it… dare I say about 10 or so years, now. Some years I’ve really struggled tomeet the goal, other’s I’ve made the goal three-fold. My top year saw me write 368,486 words before the midnight cut off. My worst year saw a mere 20 k. So there’s that. Some years it’s been more about putting the “polish” on a previous years write, which is good in and of itself. And yet, this year, I have no previous write to polish to get the juices flowing, and no current juices to ferment and sip at for ideas. An odd year in a year of odd, for sure.

So, here’s to NANO… one way or another… one word after the other… Let’s see what this year will yield, shall we.