Nano- 5 hour countdown.

This photo was shared with me by a fellow artist, I really wish I could remember her name to give proper credit. But the gift was and is appreciated.

5 hours and counting down to the start of Nano. Why only 5 hours…well, I work Nano on GMT time because no way in the world will I be able to be awake at midnight. I’m old. Too old for all nighters when I have to be up before dawn to drive Hubby to work. So, GMT, it is… that would be 7pm EST.

Am I ready? Hmmm, good question. I have my mascot, my snacks, a new keyboard and a dysfunctional mouse (that I intend to replace before 7pm). I’ll be working on a computer with no internet access (fewer distractions) with only limited software (ie: word processor and mahjong game.).

As far as the writing, yeah, I’m ready. I’ve written myself a little teaser to keep me on task as far as plot goes. Is there really a plot to non-fiction??? Anyway, I have a general idea of what path I want to take with this story. I’ve haunted for images that inspire me in regards to the topic. Of course, I have my sketchbook handy,just in case the mood shifts.

All I’m waiting for is for the clock to strike the hour…

Happy Halloween, and happy Nano time, y’all.

Author: Bear

I'm a crazy old lady who likes to write, art, and create things.

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