The Concert

It’s that time again! Time to gather around the table and share some juicy tidbits of fiction with the folks of Friday Fictioneers, hosted by the lovely and talented Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. You can find other small tales of wonder, and danger at: Come on out and join us! This week’s photo is loaned to us by : Ted Strutz.

WC: 109, sorry.

I tried to cut the word count as much as I could, but still went over. This is a real story, non-fiction, from the early 90’s when I was dating my now husband. A night to remember!

The Concert

It was my first, and only, concert. A birthday gift from boyfriend, now husband. Being short, just shy of five foot, front row, crushed by people. Garth Brooks came out, I cried because I couldn’t see anyone on stage. A security guard I knew from working a different venue saw me, pulled me out of the crush and lifted me to the edge of the stage where there were a few bales of straw for show. I got the best seat in the house that night. It was a dream come true, especially when Mr. Brooks came over to sing just a few feet away. I’ll never forget it!

Authors’ note: A much better week, health wise. Am finally able to eat a meal. Waiting until July for answers is wearing on me, but there’s naught to do about it but pray and leave it in God’s hands. In the meantime, I’m working on a dance shawl to match my dress, have two portrait commissions to complete.


PHOTO PROMPT © Amanda Forestwood

It’s that time again! Time to gather around the table and share some juicy tidbits of fiction with the folks of Friday Fictioneers, hosted by the lovely and talented Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. You can find other small tales of wonder, and danger at: Come on out and join us! This week’s photo is loaned to us by : Amanda Forestwood.



I stand on the old battlements

moss now covers where blood once ran

bird calls replace the agonized screams

tall, strong trees now stand

where once young boys and men fell

the old battlefield calls to be remembered

the souls forever trapped here

reach out to the living

their cries muffled by fallen leaves

warning us not to follow in their path

but to move upward and above

to live life in peace.

I stand on the battlement today

and listen…


Author’s Note: I’ve been mighty sick these past few weeks. In and out of hospital fighting a bacterial infection that began as a result of discovering a severe food allergy. Another discovery is a bit more unsettling. I go back to doc in July to be tested for female Cancers. I’ve reached the calm acceptance of what could be, my affairs are in order (or as about as orderly as I can afford to do). I’m resting alot, spending that time in deep prayers for the people in my life, including all who read my little stories, poems, and enjoy my art. I do ask that you keep myself and hubby in your prayers as these weeks of waiting are sure to get to stretch us.

My unsteady threads…and life…

This year’s Steady Thread SAL started on January 1, 2o23. There were a couple of hexagon shape and square shape design formats to choose from. I chose the round one surrounded by leaves. I added in a couple of bumblebees and the year. So, this is how it looked the first week of the SAL.

It is now week 18, and I’m about 4 weeks behind in the challenge. That’s okay. Life got in the way of stitching. As it is, this has become my Sabbath/Day of Rest activity. It’s relaxing and enjoyable. I’m finding I can only do about 2 hexagons at a sit both for time and because my eyes (even with glasses on) become too blurry and start to water horribly. Ahhh, the after effects of the covid vaccine and boosters.

The photo doesn’t do justice to the actual thread colors though. The hexagons are outlined in a very dark green as is the greenery within. The flowers are in a deep orange-red thread. The last hexie at the bottom is still in progress. My eyes just wouldn’t let me see it anymore. It’s already raining this morning, so perhaps I’ll have an hour to sit and sew before venturing into the kitchen to see what to prepare for dinner this evening. I’m thinking something to throw into the crock pot.

Other sewing… hasn’t happened recently.

Knit/Crochet… I’ve made about 10 prayer shawls for the VA over the winter, and a few baby blankets, too. I’ve knit several hats both for myself and for the NICU. I’ve also finished 1 of 2 historical era 1700’s over the knee stockings. I took the photo a bit before I finished of the toe. About 1/4 of the way through the second stocking, now.

In addition, I designed and put together a new dance regalia… just in case I’m able to get out to a powwow. So far, I’ve not gotten out to one that hasn’t been cancelled by weather. sigh…

and I wove a belt to go with it…

I’m still working on a shawl in orange with bears and what not to go with. It will be a backup shawl to the one that a native “Auntie” made for me that’s brown with a large starburst on it.

So, my winter has been packed with life and filling endless indoor hours of boredom. Hubby has changed jobs a few times which has meant a routine of pack everything … unpack everything… repeat. Plus a rental increase that caused to nearly lose our roof, saved by job change with a little more pay and we’re finding much less stress.