Nano – Week 1

Current wc: 1648.

It’s been a good week. 4 days in and I’m still just floarting along happily. Tired, for sure. Writing non-fiction as I’m doing this year is brain draining. There are footnotes and endnotes to contend with as well (not part of the word count). I’ve even opened a second document just for laughs and am writing a little fiction on the side hustle. The fiction isn’t fit for reading at the moment, just a little brainstorming session to add a little relaxation to the game.

Here’s an example of just one of the questions I’m tackling this year…

Let us assume…

  1. God is perfect.

Therefore, with that as a fact. Let us ask…

If God is perfect and he created mankind in his image, then should we not also be perfect beings?

Therefore: If we are perfect beings then why do we commit evil which is by its very nature imperfect.

Ahhhh, such are the mad ravings of a ponderer in the midst of Nano…

So, what does war have to do with Love??? Maybe by the end of the month, I’ll figure it out… or, at least have entertained myself with the exploration!

Author: Bear

I'm a crazy old lady who likes to write, art, and create things.

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