Ground Assualt

t’s that time again! Time to gather around the table and share some juicy tidbits of fiction with the folks of Friday Fictioneers, hosted by the lovely and talented Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. You can find other small tales of wonder, and danger at: Come on out and join us! This week’s photo is loaned to us by : Liz Young

wc: 98

Ground Assualt

Lay flat. Be silent. Shallowest breathing. Survive.

Her father’s words whispered in her mind. She did so, now, among the reeds and only a handsbreath away from a combat booted leg. Fear brought sweat to her pits, her elbows, even the backs of her knees. Tears welled, blinding her vision. She did not want to die like this.

A boot kicked her so hard she was catapulted. She rolled with it, hoping they’d think she was already dead. Pain coursed through her gut, but she remained still… staring at the sky… praying…

The soldiers moved on…

She survived…

Author’s note: May we ALL Pray for Peace! It only takes a breath… a breath we all should be thankful to have during these troublesome times.

This week has gotten away with me. Been too busy to think straight. That’s a good thing, mind you. Looking forward to possibly attending the annual Salt Festival at Big Bone State Park her in Northern Kentucky. I’ve a hankering for the smells of wood smoke and the taste of hot apple cider. It’s getting chilly here and the leaves are falling from the trees… going from green to brown overnight without much color change. A strange autumn for a strange year, I suppose.

I’m preparing to start a new portrait as soon as I can find a photo that “calls” to me to give it a voice.I’m also thinking about whether or not to do Nano this year. Have paper and pens… lacking in motivation or inspiration.

Hope y’all are having a great and blessed week. Pray for peace, and stay safe.

Author: Bear

I'm a crazy old lady who likes to write, art, and create things.

21 thoughts on “Ground Assualt”

  1. That’s one way to survive. Made me remember stories of Jews who had been lined up at the mass grave they had dug, and shot to fall into that grave. At least one man survived by playing dead, staying for hours underneath the bodies of his comrades until nightfall when he climbed out and escaped to tell the tale.

    I’ve often wondered how long it took him to find some clothes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve written one of those “mass grave shooting” scenes in one of my books. Takarna (my character survived by playing dead. The advice: ” hide, play dead, pray” was given to me just before I left the country for the first time. I’ve always remembered it.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Salt fest usually is fun. Used to be better. I’ve watched it decline over the years as they put more and more restrictions on the reenactors… so fewer come, and there’s less education going on. Sad.


  2. “Sometimes, the best course of action is inaction.” – Turtles. No good can come of war. It’s especially terrible for the innocent people who get caught up in it.


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