Last Stop…

It’s that time again! Time to gather around the table and share some juicy tidbits of fiction with the folks of Friday Fictioneers, hosted by the lovely and talented Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. You can find other small tales of wonder, and danger at: Come on out and join us! This week’s photo is loaned to us by : Rowena Curtin.

wc: 88 title included.

Last Stop

The little office was empty. The platform barren. The only soul around was the unseen spirits that roamed by day and night in search of lives long past. There was a solemnity that transcended the oration of the tour guide as they spoke of history… of deportations, of gas chambers… of thousands of little shoes found in warehouses after the liberation.

Even as he spoke, there was a whistling sound overhead… a sparkle of light… the world shook to its very foundation…

Had we learned nothing???

Authors note: Last night I woke, a scream caught in my throat, no air to breath, a gut twisting pain in my belly. Another nightmare, another flashback to the day I was caught in the crossfire…. and my thoughts instantly went to Israel and the people there. I went directly to the source of help and prayed for a long time. I have friends there who are on a mission trip. I have friends who live there. I have ties that the struggles and joys of life will never sever.

I look at my page here and realize that’s it’s been almost a month since I last posted. It’s been hectic busy here. Three times, we’ve been on the verge of moving only to not move at the last minute. I’m still healing from the infections from back at Easter, taking longer than I ever dreamed possible. Been doing some art, playing with some ATC’s and junk journaling. Generally, sticking close to home. I have written down my passwords to things as I’ve been having trouble remembering more so since I was ill. Most of the time, I’m not even sure what day of the week it is. And so it is what it is… life goes on… and all that jazz.

UPDATE: I learned that my wee friend and her family did NOT survive the attacks. Prayers raising for her friends and distant family. Her little light will be sorely missed in this world of ever growing darkness.

Author: Bear

I'm a crazy old lady who likes to write, art, and create things.

29 thoughts on “Last Stop…”

  1. There does seem to be the reality that history repeats itself. We do not learn from the past. Talking? How does one talk about butchered and beheaded babies left rotting in the rubble?


    1. True. I was reminded of a line from MASH 4077th where Henry Blake is talking to Hawkeye about war. Saying to the effect that in war Young men (and now women) die, and there ain’t thing one anyone can do about it. Disheartening to think of, but true. So sad. All we can co is pray for peace to come soon.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Someone commented and when I tried to approve the reply I accidently trashed the comment. I DO wholeheartedly apologize. WordPress has changed format again, and it’s taking some getting used to. It was such a nice comment, too. Grr…


  3. The horrors of the past and the horrors of the present. Both portrayed so movingly in this. I’m so far away from it all in my part of the world, but my heart goes out to the poor people who are suffering all this. Again. So sorry to hear about your email friend. So sorry.


    1. Thank you, Margaret. She was such a bright little light in this world of darkness. I was at the charity shop yesterday and saw this wee little “snowbaby” ornament, no taller than a quarter. It was holding a little lantern. I saw it, and knew it would be the perfect memorial. So, I went through the car and dug out every last coin I had (rarely carry cash since pandemic). I didn’t have quite enough and thought maybe I could ask the woman to hold on deposit until I could go the atm and back. When I got to the counter, and before I could speak, she said they had a sale going on… 50% off. I had more than enough! So, I got the little miniature and brought it home to put next to a little candle I’m burning this week. It’s far less than I’d like to do, but it’s all I can do besides prayers.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, the feeling of helplessness is awful. It’s so good that you’ve been able to find some way to at least honour her memory. The ornament and candle will give you a focus and help you grieve, I’m sure.

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