Behind Glass

C. David Stewart

It’s that time again! Time to gather around the table and share some juicy tidbits of fiction with the folks of Friday Fictioneers, hosted by the lovely and talented Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. You can find other small tales of wonder, and danger at: Come on out and join us! This week’s photo is loaned to us by : David Stewart.

wc: 35 with title

Behind Glass

The sadness

like rain

falling down

the window’s

cheeky face

washing away

the clutter

of reality’s

unsettling times

like time

frozen thus

behind the glass


yet a part

the sadness

like rain.

Author’s note: It is October, so I’m out playing with ink for the annual Inktober art madness. I started out a few days behind due to an incident while making said ink. Quickly caught up, though, so that’s good. Hubby is well and working hard. Caught up with an old friend this week that I haven’t seen in a while. It was a good visit.

In regards to the poem above…well, I did go home for Labor Day weekend, and found far too too many missing faces. I also went to a living history event with the group that I do that with, and again, found far too too many missing faces. So, it’s been a sad few days processing all that was lost to covid, cancer, and life in general.

Author: Bear

I'm a crazy old lady who likes to write, art, and create things.

17 thoughts on “Behind Glass”

  1. Dear Bear,

    Poignant verses. I know what you mean about too many missing faces. I thought about trying to catch up with Inktober and decided I had too many other things going on. I enjoy watching yours.



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    1. I’m still at “crabby” got swirled up in attempting to do months of sewing in four days so I can dance this weekend with my Nat. Family. It is good to be back with them… the ones who’ve survived the pandam that is.


    1. True. As someone once told me, grief is something you never recover from, you just learn to walk through it. Been doing a lot of walking in that valley the last couple of years.

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