Headlight intentions

It’s that time again! Time to gather around the table and share some juicy tidbits of fiction with the folks of Friday Fictioneers, hosted by the lovely and talented Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. You can find other small tales of wonder, and danger at: rochellewisoff.com. Come on out and join us! This week’s photo is loaned to us by : Fleur Lind.

‘The road ahead is paved with good intentions…’ The talk radio station blared.

wc: 93 +title

Headlight Intentions

‘All the good intentions in the world aren’t worth a hill o’ beans if you don’t follow up with actions.’ I snarked. The new year looming before me, I was a deer caught in headlights. Was I really stepping onto the road of intentions yet to be realized as reality?

So many intentions, so little time to carry them out… I rested my hand on the small box in my pocket. No bigger than a deck of cards… and yet…

Author’s Note: A hail and hearty week! It’s been quite an accomplished week. I’ve completed a pointilism picture of a red dress… THE red dress from “White Christmas” movie with Bing Crosby… THAT dress! Oh, it’s divine! I had the wonderful opportunity back before Christmas to visit a local museum, Behringer-Crawford Museum in Covington, KY, USA, to see their exhibit on the movie along with about 18 or so other Urban Sketchers. It was awesome! I finally got around to finding time to actually art up the dress.

I’ve also been working on new regalia for this year. I finished the one I started this past fall, last night. Just a simple ribbon shirt/skirt combo. Now, onto making the yellow/orange ensemble to match the shawl a friend made for me. Then, I was sooooo lucky to find good quality wedding satin (white) and royal blue material on sale this week as such a discount (50% off per yard, and register took an additional 20% off = 70% off) that I just couldn’t resist it. Can’t wait to get started.

We’re starting the new year with employment (for hubby), a full pantry of food, a roof over our heads, annnnd we were able to get new shoes and a pack of socks each. We are soooo blessed!

Author: Bear

I'm a crazy old lady who likes to write, art, and create things.

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